Every time a patient needs a paracentesis or thoracentesis procedure, the hospital faces the cumbersome and time-consuming task of draining ascitic or pleural fluid leaving you to deal with exposure risks associated with the manual handling and disposal of potentially infectious patient fluids using antiquated fluid collection techniques.

This should never happen and there is a better way.

The STREAMWAY® System enables you to safely automate paracentesis and thoracentesis  collection, measurement and disposal with a virtually hands-free and direct-to-drain disposal system. STREAMWAY has been specifically designed for ease-of-use and safety, allowing more time to focus on the patient and less time filling bottles, changing canisters or leaving the room to dispose at a docking station.

If you’re attending RSNA, visit Booth #6550 to demo the new standard in waste fluid management. If you’re not attending RSNA, you can schedule a virtual or in-person demonstration.

See for yourself how this safe, compact, wall-mounted technology connects directly from the patient to the existing plumbing system:

  • Reduces exposure risks associated with canisters, evac bottles and moving carts in and out-of-procedure suites with docking stations that need to be emptied
  • Uninterrupted and controlled suction performance
  • Unlimited fluid collection capacity
  • Frees up valuable floor space
  • Automated fluid measurement
  • Enclosed collection, measurement, and disposal
  • Immediate operational savings
  • Saves time and labor with rapid room turnover for maximum efficiency

This technology is the only one of its kind and has the power to improve efficiency while increasing the safety of your procedures.